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My recipe for applying UX laws in the model-driven apps


Power Platform offers two types of Power Apps: canvas apps and model-driven apps.

Canvas apps provide a high degree of flexibility in UI design, allowing developers to place controls and create layouts freely.

In contrast, model-driven apps are more data-centric and driven by the underlying data model, often resulting in more standardised interfaces.

However, understanding and applying fundamental user experience (UX) principles can significantly enhance the usability and satisfaction of your applications, including model-driven apps. This blog explores the key UX laws and my recipe on how to effectively implement them in the model-driven apps.


Law of Proximity

Law overview: The Law of Proximity states that objects that are close to each other are perceived as related or grouped together.

Application in model-driven apps: When designing forms and views in model-driven apps, ensure that related fields and data points are positioned close to each other. For example, grouping customer information fields (like name, email, and phone number) together on a section can help users quickly scan and understand the data without confusion.

Fitts's Law

Law overview: Fitts's Law predicts that the time required to move to a target area is a function of the distance to the target and the size of the target.

Application in model-driven apps: Interactive elements of the model-driven app, like the command bar options, need to be easily clickable, particularly those frequently used. Make sure that you limit or eliminate any overflown menus, allowing users to easily access the key option from the main command bar.

Hick's Law

Law overview: Hick's Law states that the time it takes to make a decision increases with the number and complexity of choices.

Application in model-driven apps: Simplify the app navigation by limiting the number of options presented at any one time. For example, avoid cluttering the command bar with too many buttons and simplify the navigation menu that is shown on the left. Use the main area to show the essential tables, dashboards and URLs. Any additional or less frequently used tables should be placed in separate areas. This approach helps users to make quicker decisions and reduces cognitive load.

Miller's Law

Law overview: Miller's Law suggests that the average person can only keep about seven items in their working memory.

Application in model-driven apps: When designing forms and dashboards, limit the number of fields and data points displayed at once. For instance, on a dashboard, use charts and a limited number of views and columns to condense information into manageable chunks. This makes it easier for users to process and understand the data without feeling overwhelmed.

Aesthetic-Usability Effect

Law overview: The Aesthetic-Usability Effect is the phenomenon where users perceive aesthetically pleasing designs as more usable.

Application in model-driven apps: Utilise modern UI elements and PCFs provided by Microsoft or custom ones to create visually appealing interfaces. Consistent use of colours, icons or custom components can enhance the aesthetic appeal of your model-driven apps, making them more engaging and easier to use.


Tesler’s Law (Law of Conservation of Complexity)

Law overview: Tesler’s Law states that for any system, there is a certain amount of complexity which cannot be reduced.

Application in model-driven apps: Simplify interfaces as much as possible, but acknowledge that some complexity is inevitable. Aim to hide this complexity from the user by using business rules, automation and business process flow to help the users. For instance, in a form, use the business rules to show the fields that appear only when necessary, reducing clutter and making the experience less overwhelming.

Pareto Principle (80/20 Rule)

Law overview: The Pareto Principle suggests that 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes.

Application in model-driven apps: Focus on the features and functionalities that will deliver the most value to users. Identify the 20% of the actions that users perform most frequently and optimise those areas to enhance efficiency and satisfaction. If you are working on a tight deadline or tight budget, then focus on streamlining the most used forms and views to make them faster and more user-friendly.

Doherty Threshold

Law Overview: The Doherty Threshold states that productivity soars when a computer and its users interact at a pace of less than 400 milliseconds.

Application in model-driven apps: Ensure that the app’s performance is optimised so that response times are fast and interactions are smooth. Minimise loading times for forms by limiting data-driven controls like Quick view form, Subgrids and Timeline on the first tab. These components cause the most strain on form responsiveness and loading speed. Additionally, limit the use of PCFs – each of them uses custom code that can also affect the performance speed.

Law of Prägnanz (Law of Simplicity)

Law overview: The Law of Prägnanz states that people will perceive and interpret ambiguous or complex images as the simplest form possible.

Application in model-driven apps: Design your interfaces to be as simple and clear as possible. Use clear, straightforward visual elements and avoid unnecessary complexity. For example, keep your icons simple and limit whitespace effectively to make the interface more digestible. Model-driven app framework has a responsive design, but still - always test different options and consider the best layouts and if using 2 or 3-column tabs is the better approach.

Zeigarnik Effect

Law overview: The Zeigarnik Effect suggests that people remember uncompleted or interrupted tasks better than completed tasks.

Application in model-driven apps: Design your app to help users resume incomplete tasks easily. Implement features like drafts for forms or quick create forms, so users can start filling out a form, save it, and come back to it later. This helps in keeping users engaged and reduces frustration from having to redo work.

Parkinson's Law

Law overview: Parkinson's Law states that work expands to fill the time available for its completion.

Application in model-driven apps: Design the processes in your app to encourage efficient use of time. Avoid unnecessary steps and streamline actions to help users complete tasks quickly. For example, use templates and automation to reduce the amount of manual data entry required.


By understanding and applying the UX laws, you can build model-driven apps that are not only functional but also intuitive and user-friendly. These principles ensure that your app meets users' needs while providing an enjoyable and efficient experience. As a result, this approach will drive higher user adoption and satisfaction, ultimately leading to greater success for your project!



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